Hey everyone,
It’s hard to believe that our time here in Africa is already halfway over. We only have 15 more days to be on the campus (3 weeks) and then it’s off to the Joint Winter Conference. Hopefully some Amper Daar girls will be joining us over that weekend! That’s something to be praying for..
Praise the LORD, all nations! Extol Him, all peoples! For great is His steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD! –Psalm 117
This past week I have definitely seen the Lord’s faithfulness. He has shown us girls in Amper Daar who want a relationship with Him, girls who are so thirsty for the word. It’s beautiful to see their eagerness in wanting to know more about what a life following Christ looks like.
On Wednesday at the 3D meeting, Evan spoke on a test of true belief, the assurance of salvation. After this talk some of the girls began to understand where they stood before God, with the realization that their salvation is not assured. It’s been huge for them to not only see that but to also acknowledge that. God is working in these girls hearts for sure. After the 3D meeting we have bible study in Amper Daar. This past week in Bible study I shared the story of what God has done in my life to draw me to Himself and we talked about John 3, being born again, and how that happens. After going through the parable they had many questions. However, their questions mostly go off the topic we are studying and drift to more general randomized questions on Christianity. The girls who attend 3D for the most part attend the bible study so this week they had a lot of information to take in and many things to process. It has been a great week for follow ups! I am constantly in awe of the Lord with the work that He is doing in these girls hearts as well as in me.
A few of the girls Lauren and I have been able to spend time with have are opening up and sharing more about themselves with us. For instance, one girl has shared about losing both her parents and how she grew up. She has been attending bible study and is really interested in learning more. It’s been so sweet to see how much she has grown and learned in just a week. The next step with her is to start going through how to read and study the bible. I can’t get over how amazing it is to witness the Lord at work. In times when I am so exhausted from the long days on campus the Lord is quick to show His faithfulness and reminding me who why we are here.
The Lord has taught me many things while in being Africa. The main thing is how dependent we need to constantly be on Him. Nothing that has been done in any of the res’s were done by any of the members of this team, it has all been the work of the Lord. I am so thankful for that, Praise the Lord. It always amazes me how God chooses to use broken people to be His instruments, His hands and feet, to bring Him glory.
Some fun things CCP does on Saturdays:
Two Saturday’s ago we got to go to the Lion and Rhino park. It was the coolest experience ever. When I think of Africa, I think lions, elephants, and tigers. You know, like the lion king. At this lion and rhino park we got to drive through where lions, tigers, rhinos, and countless other animals I can’t spell or name live. We would be driving and look down and lions would be right there at the edge of the road sleeping (that’s how close we were). We also got the opportunity to play/pet the baby lions and tigers. If you haven’t gotten the chance to watch the awesome video’s Lewis has been posting on the blog… you should, there are great pictures and footage from that day. The best part was that I got a scratch from a lion, so now I get to say that “I got clawed by a lion while in Africa” Legit. This past Saturday we went back to Soweto. We met K.B. and FiFi’s family; they are on staff with Campus Outreach Johannesburg. Seeing how they grew up really changed my perspective on comfort. In K.B.’s grandmother’s house at one point they had 21 people live there with two bedrooms, currently there are 9 people living there. While we were in Soweto we bought these sandwiches everyone has been talking about, a kota. Basically this is where they take a piece of bread cut out some of the middle and put in meat (Russian sausage and I think it was bologna) add French fries and combine all the sauces they had and then cover it with the flap that was cut in the beginning. It may sound disgusting, but it was delicious!
That's a kota (the picture doesn't do it justice, this thing was huge)
This coming weekend we are planning as a team to go camping at the Pilanesberg game reserve. That should be fun and adventurous but it’s definitely going to be pretty cold.
Things to pray for:
-For the JWC and attendance (for the Lord to break down all barriers)
-For boldness in conversations as we don’t have much time left here
-To continue to seek God first
- Patience
-For this experience to be faith building
-For our wonderful team to continue to grow together in unity
“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” Ephesians 4:1-3
Thank you guys so much for your prayers. I am so thankful for a wonderful support/prayer team that has been nothing but encouraging. I hope all is great back in the states. I’ll keep y’all posted on the next few weeks here.
"I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearring and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching" 2 Timothy 4:1-2
The team in front of Soccer City
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