Support Update 3

Monday, May 30, 2011

Support Update #3 5/29/11

I’m tempted to say that these last two and a half weeks have been some of the best I’ve experienced...but there’s probably something super impactful that I’m looking over as I quickly write this email. Oxymoron? Anyway, I just want to send out another update, explaining what has been going on and how God has been working around us this last week.

The first few days of the week were fairly challenging. Majority of us were trying to push past the barrier of superficial conversations to ones of eternal meaning, but those can be hard to dive into. However, seeing our limited time and resources, we went with the boldness that God supplied and began to gauge (?) where people were at spiritually, as well as if they were even interested in the claims of Christ.

As we have been learning more and more about the culture here, we’ve discovered the importance that religion has on the individual life in South Africa. However, thats all it usually is...religion. They have all heard they Gospel dozens of times, have had many emotional experiences and have “given their life to Christ,” but all under a few misconceptions, being: their faith is very ‘self’ centered, many don’t understand that there is a need for a surrendered will to God’s will and finally, the prosperity Gospel. Another struggle for many of the girls that we have talked to is that some really are interested, but don’t know how to read the Bible. Almost each girl has a Bible that they read daily because they know they should or they are looking for more. Unfortunately, many don’t understand what it is saying and/or have no idea how to apply the Word to their life.

As we’ve finished answering most of the questions regarding America, we’ve began to have some really encouraging conversations for all persons involved. The Spirit has really been moving and opening the hearts of the girls around us to be vulnerable and genuine. To see their honesty on where they stand in relation to God (via Bridge Diaghram or Relationship Graph) and then see their hunger to know more, has been such an answer to months of prayers. We still have a few more superficial conversations that we need to push past, but I feel as if our team has regained a new energy to push forward.

A quick overview of last week’s activities:

Wednesday night we had 3D (COJ’s evangelistic meeting). Thursday night was Benjemijn’s Bible study on John 8. Friday night we had a braai (bbq) for the students. It was estimated that 75 ‘ish’ students came. We had games, music, and free was great! Saturday, our team went to the Lion and Rhino park. It was ridiculous. I can’t even explain. (see pictures below...but, they do the experience no justice.) Later that night we had ‘Night of Vision’ at a local church. The 4 CCP teams down in South Africa along with the COJ staff and students came together to praise God for what He is doing back home in the States and in South Africa. Then, Neal Gooch gave a convicting talk on the need to bring God’s Word to the world through people. It certainly reignited my passion in considering moving to North Africa or the Middle East in the future. We read a nugget from a book and it really put things into perspective: “May the Lamb receive the reward of His sufferings.” Christ died so that people may have a hope to believe in that will set them free. Who are we to deny others of this tremendous gift because we want to be comfortable, safe, etc.? It is currently Sunday, and I am enjoying a much needed Sabbath. We had a luncheon with women from the Sophiatown Community Church, a nap, an interesting team run (a member of our team didn’t enjoy the cardio as much as others), and more team bonding over dinner.

I’m so thankful for these last two weeks. Between the Lord blessing my quiet times, the group talks, the encouragement in ministry, the lion park, and our team’s unity, it has certainly been a fun and growing experience. I cannot wait to continue to follow up with girls tomorrow and the rest of the week to show them that Christ came not to condem, but to show his love and offer forgiveness. Thank you so much for sharing in what God is doing down here! Please Pray:


- Good Time Management: There’s just not enough time in the day to do all that we desire! We’re running hard during the week, but I’m in desparate need of the Sabbath come Sunday.

-The Lord would grant us discernment on where best to use our time and resouces in Benjemijn.

-That Satan would be bound from our team (Spiritual warfare has been occuring: nigthmares, tiredness during ministry, and in numerous other ways) and from those who we are sharing truth with.

-The God would use us as instruments to make his name and glory known on Campus

-Finally, that girls in Benjemijn, and the students on the Kingsway campus, would come into the CO community where they can recieve discipleship, accountability, and the tangible love of Christ.



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