22 days!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
22 days until our team of 15 students and staff get on a plane to fly across the world for the Glory of God which has been shown to us in the works and person of Jesus. There is still much to be done! $30,000 to be raised, talks to be written, logistics to figure out, prayers to be prayed. I think I can speak for the whole team when I say that there are many fears and jitters leading up to May 11th, but we hold fast that God is in this. There have been many prayers answered even this last week that proves that His hand is on us. However, no matter what happens this summer, we do not hold onto the things that we have done and what will be done for His Glory this summer. As we are in the middle of Holy Week, preparing for this weekend, let us remember our ultimate Hope, and that "It is finished." I challenge us to have a conversation sometime this week that might be a bit awkward for us even alone. This conversation is not with another person, or even ourselves, but with the very thing that is coming after us that we cannot escape: death.


Hello, Death, my old enemy. My old slave-master. Have you come to talk to me again? To frighten me?

I am not the person you think I am. I am not the one you used to talk to. Something has happened. Let me ask you a question, Death.

Where is your sting?

DEATH, sneeringly:

My sting is your sin.


I know that, Death. But that’s not what I asked you. I asked, where is your sting? I know what it is. But tell me where it is.

Why are you fidgeting, Death? Why are you looking away? Why are you turning to go? Wait, Death, you have not answered my question. Where is your sting?

Where is, my sin?

What? You have no answer? But, Death, why do you have no answer? How will you terrify me, if you have no answer?

O Death, I will tell you the answer. Where is your sting? Where is my sin? That's right, It is hanging on that tree. God made Christ to be sin—my sin. When he died, the penalty of my sin was paid. The power of it was broken. I bear it no more.

Farewell, Death. You need not show up here again to frighten me. God will tell you when to come next time. And when you come, you will be his servant. For me, you will have no sting.

O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:55-57)

This is the Good News that we have received. Rest in it! Your sin is no more!


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