Why South Africa?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
This is a great question! For most people, the country of South Africa isn't the first thing that comes to mind when we think Africa. Other places like Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, or maybe even North Africa and the recent violent political strife's are the first things that resonate. When taking the Gospel to the nations, it is these areas that seems to be in the most desperate need of it. I mean, come on, South Africa is the most developed country on the entire continent! Why do we need to go there? Well actually, it is for that very reason that we go.

Now let me first bust one myth that you are probably thinking... American students going across seas for two months... that's a long time... they need to be safe so... developed country equals safety, right? On some level, that's true. However, just because it's developed doesn't mean that it's the safest. We have to realize that when we think developed and safe, we picture America. As shocking as it may seem, we stand alone from a majority of the rest of the world. Most foreigners visualize America as a land flowing with milk and honey when it comes to developed and safe. Yes, safety is very important to us this summer, but this very reason is not the number one appeal to us. So now let me tell you the real reason we go to South Africa!

We believe that the continent of Africa is the least developed continent on earth, and that it is also one of the biggest doorways into the Middle East. There is nothing wrong with sending American teams straight into areas like Rwanda, Kenya, etc., or into northern countries like Morocco, or Egypt. There is a place for that, and that calling is being fulfilled. Also, we cannot forgot that South Africa has enough problems of its own considering the widespread acceptance of the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel, and a Jesus+ancestral worship gospel that is so prevalent. But what we've realized is that strategy is important! Can God, and will God, use Americans to directly impact the remotest parts of Africa and the most centralized Islamic Communities? Most certainly! But who do we think can be more effective quicker? An American or an African? This is where our strategy lands! South Africa is the most developed country on the continent in every way. In other words, as different as it is from America, it's the most like America meaning Americans can be more effective in South Africa than possibility anywhere else in Africa. If we can reach South Africans with the Gospel, train them up to be laborers for the Kingdom so that they would go share the Gospel with other Africans, the Gospel will move north reaching Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and eventually Morocco, Libya, Egypt, and ultimately the world! Our vision is to start small, think big, and then go deep!

We believe that the vision we get to be a part of this summer is an opportunity to impact not only South Africa, but all of Africa and the entire world. It all flows out from the word's of Jesus:

"And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
- Matthew 28:18-20


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