Jeremy M. I graduated from North Georgia in May 2010 with a degree in History Education. I am now in my first year on staff with Campus Outreach at the University of Georgia. I am excited to be a part of this team for the summer because I believe that the vision we get to be a part of is an opportunity to impact not only South Africa, but all of Africa and the entire world.
Kira B. I graduated from Georgia Tech in May 2007 with a degree in Industrial Design and am in my fourth year on staff with Campus Outreach. Since I graduated I have been on staff at North Georgia College and State University, but have recently moved into the role of our office administrator for Campus Outreach Atlanta. I want to go to South Africa with hopes of growing in my love for God's people and God's world.
Ashley D. I am a junior at North Georgia College and State University and I'm studying Psychology.
Blaine V. I am in my 5th year at Georgia Tech and I'm studying Chemical Engineering with a minor in Business. I want to go to South Africa because I think that's where God is working, and I want to put myself right in the middle of that. becuase of this it will be an area that will force me to grow.
Chad T. I am in my senior year at North Georgia and I'm studying Business Management. I want my view of the gospel to be more than just America, I want to see God work in other countries in different ways, I want to see my faith grown through the gospel being presented in different cultures, and I want to be a doer and not just a hearer of the Word.
Danielle D. I am in my junior year at University of Georgia and I'm studying Child and Family Development. I'm excited for the unexpected. I love the idea that we have a God who is so big that we cannot exaggerate. The greatness of God makes me realize that the opportunities are endless because anything can happen.
Emily F. I am in my 4th year at University of Georgia and I'm studying Music Education. In my own walk with the Lord, I have seen how He's pursed me. I feel like He has done such great things in my life - more than I deserve - and I look forward to the opportunity to share that with someone who might never have heard or encouraging someone who is struggling to persevere.
Evan L. I am in my senior year at North Georgia and I'm studying Business Management. I am excited about the opportunity to experience a culture outside of what we live in. I want to see Christ in a whole new way and do His kingdom work in a whole new way.
Josh C. I am in my junior year at North Georgia and I'm studying Biology. When I think about God's heart, the Great Commission, and how Christianity is not just an American thing, I feel an urgency to go and take the gospel to the nations. To be a part of something great - something bigger than yourself.
Karen G. I am in my junior year at the University of Georgia and I'm studying International Affairs with a minor in Anthropology. I am most excited about the vision of students coming to Johannesburg for college and then going back home to share the gospel as leader's in their community.
Lauren B. I am in my 4th year at Georgia Tech and I'm studying Business Administration. I'm praying that the Lord would use me to bring someone to Christ or to be a part of planting seeds in someone's life while we're in South Africa. I've never experienced that before, and I think it's a beautiful thing.
Lawton F. I am in my 4th year at Georgia Tech and I'm studying Public Policy. I want to go to South Africa because I am understanding what world vision means, and that it is God's greatest call to us to spread His Word to all the nations. It is an incredible opportunity to share the gift I have been given with people who may never hear it otherwise.
Lewis H. I am in my junior year at University of Georgia and I'm studying Accounting. I am most excited about being stretched, and having to trust God with something that is out of my comfort zone. I also want to continue to develop a heart for sharing the gospel and seeing people brought from death to life, particularly with the vision in view of reaching an entire continent through the multiplication of a few.
Lindsay R. I am in my 4th year at North Georgia and I'm studying Psychology and Sociology. This summer, I am excited to build relationships with women in South African, to make new friendships and to minister to college students. I'm also excited to see a new country - to see that our God is not in a box but He is the God of the universe.
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